Regalo Extra Tall Extra Wide Baby Gate, 29''-52'' With Walk Through Door

The Basics

"Who inhabits the jumbo desert freehold of Nanru? The Gathered Men.
The fiefdoms of Odrum? The Kneeling Men.
The jungles of Yyp? The Breathless Men.
And the rust-caves of Qud? The Screaming Men."
-Dromad travelogue

Caves of Qud is a traditional roguelike, meaning that:
1) Information technology is completely plow-based. Animations might brand information technology seem that things run in existent time, only enemies and effects volition only movement when you do.
2) At that place is permadeath. You lot tin plough this off in the options if you need to.
three) Every turn counts. Half of the game is about proper positioning and managing your turns so that you aren't swarmed.
4) Levels are entirely randomized. Levels will look different in every game.


Numpad or arrow keys to move. Numpad is preferred since you tin move diagonally in this game. You lot can rebind controls by hitting escape to become to the options menu.
Escape: options menu
'a': abilities
'x': character stats
'q': quests
'due east': equipment
'i': inventory
Numpad decimal: wait 20 turns
ctrl+numpad decimal: wait 100 turns
'~': wait until healed
infinite: interact (speak with, open, etc.) with nearby object.
'm': become
's': search around for invisible enemies.
'f': fire weapon in ranged slot
't': throw weapon in throwing slot

You lot set on by moving into a hostile enemy, or by property ctrl and striking a management.


There are half-dozen main stats. There'south really two things to each stat: the number that describes their bodily value, and their "bonus", listed abreast the number. The two are related: increasing strength, for instance, increases your strength bonus. Every two points in whatever stat increases your bonus past 1.
Strength: Each bonus increases the penetration value of your weapons, until you achieve that weapon's "force bonus cap". Stronger weapons have stronger caps, and some stronger weapons don't confer any benefit over weaker ones until you surpass the weaker weapon's bonus cap.
Agility: Each bonus increases your DV, or dodge value. Enemies must brand an accuracy check confronting your DV to get this. Information technology also increases the accuracy of your attacks, and is especially important for ranged weaponry. It also affects the penetration value of daggers if you accept the 'shank' skill.
Toughness: Each point increases your maximum HP, and your HP regeneration. Information technology is also used in several skills to determine your ability to shake off negative status effects.
Intelligence: Each bespeak gives you 4 skill points per level. If you get a bespeak of intelligence via levelups, the skill points you would have gotten are received retroactively. It also affects your ability to examine artefacts without breaking them.
Willpower: Each bonus increases your "mental armor", which is only useful in determining your ability to resist the skills Syphon Vim and Sunder Heed. Information technology likewise increases your HP regeneration, and, well-nigh importantly, reduces the cooldown of your mental mutations.
Ego: Mutants with mental mutations volition want to put virtually of their points in this stat. Each bonus increases the level of your mental mutations by 1, saving you mutation points which you can spend to get fifty-fifty more mutations. It too affects prices when trading.

At that place is also:
MA: Mental armor, given past willpower. Used to resist Sunder Mind and Siphon Vim
AV: Armor value, given by armor. Each indicate is used to resist penetration from enemy weapons.
DV: Dodge value, given past agility and armor. Each point is used to dodge attacks.
QN: Quickness. Each fourth dimension it is your plough to act, y'all accept this many points to spend. Every action you do has an 'energy cost', and when you spend more than energy than your quickness, your turn ends.
MS: Movement speed. How much energy moving costs is related to this, but information technology is unknown by how. Higher is better.
HP: Your hitpoints. If this goes to cipher or below, you die.
T: Temperature. If this is less than -100, you are frozen and can merely use mental mutations. If this is beneath 0, your quickness decreases. If this is more than 300, y'all are on burn down and will accept damage every turn unless you dunk yourself in water.
The number beside your hitpoints are your current and maximum conduct weight.

And, in your status screen (hitting 'ten' to view):
Elemental resistances: Affect how much damage you lot take from attacks. Cold/Heat resist also affect how rapidly your temperature rises or falls.
Skill points: Used to buy skills.
Attribute points: Obtained once every few levels, can be spent to increase a stat past 1 permanently.
Mutation points: Used to buy new mutations or improve existing ones.
Your mutations/cybernetics are also displayed here along with their level

Creating a Character

How you build your character is up to you, but consider the following builds:

Playing an Esper with high ego is simple: Just pump your ego every bit high as it will go and your mental mutations will level upwardly with you. For physical mutations, you demand to spend mutation points in club to improve them. For the mental mutations that espers rely on, these mutations will scale with your ego (but are capped by your level). This recommended build gives you access to the following skills:

Force Wall: An invaluable skill, every bit some enemies are helpless before walls. At higher levels, this gives you consummate protection from some hard melee and ranged enemies by providing y'all with a wall that they cannot break. At lower levels, this is useful every bit an escape mechanism. Recall that you lot can shoot through this wall, but Calorie-free Manipulation is stopped past it.

Lite Manipulation: A breadstuff-and-butter attack skill. Lite manipulation gives you a ranged attack that never misses. It's rather weak early, just improves speedily. It also gives y'all the ability to emit light without a torch, but I find this to be a poor use for it. If yous run out of charges, call up that y'all can hit '.' on your numpad in order to skip a few turns and permit it to recharge.

Precognition: A very handy skill. It essentially saves the game, and allows you to play a few turns where if you die or if you wish to, you can return to the starting time. Information technology was recently nerfed heavily, so I'grand uncertain if it'due south still worth it. It has a few uses, such every bit:
one) Figuring out if yous actually tin can impale that enemy
2) Figuring out where to go in Golgotha (come across "More Than A Willing Spirit")
iii) Killing Mayor Nuntu in Kyakukya, stealing the Corpus Chollys, and reading its contents without dying to Warden Indrix.

Sunder Mind: Your secondary attack skill. Sunder Mind ignores armor, and and then is useful against heavily armored opponents.

This is an agility/intelligence-based True Kin build. This build relies on agility more than than strength, and and then should focus on knives (which do good from agility to penetrate rather than strength) and the starting revolver when you begin. Buying atomic number 82 slugs from Tam in Joppa (See "What'southward Eating the Watervine") is a expert investment at the first.

Eventually this build tends to take Long Swords (Since Polluxus can be easily gotten from Sven in Kyakukya - meet "Raising Indrix") and rifles (For the masterwork carbine from "More Than A Willing Spirit" and the armcannon cybernetic). Squeamish early game skills to take are ones that grant mobility, like Jump and Charge from the Acrobatics tree, and Juke from Tactics.

Intro Quest: What's Eating the Watervine?

This is likely the first or 2nd quest you will do in Caves of Qud. If you picked a class that begins with grenades (see your inventory with 'i'), information technology may be a good investment to practise the beginning of Argyve'south quests first (Encounter Argyve's Quests beneath). For this quest, first talk to Mehmet (the red guy at the bottom of Joppa) past going to an adjacent square and hitting 'space'. Follow the dialogue tree until you obtain this quest. From here, yous should take the overworld route to Cherry-red Stone. Press '<' to enter the world map and head here:
One time you're there, press '>' to enter Scarlet Rock. You'll enter on a screen with some rocky outcroppings and (possibly) some enemies. The enemies here shouldn't exist too hard, so feel gratis to wail on them -- just do not get out the current screen. One time they are taken care of, await around or use the autoexplore (numpad 0) to detect the stairway downwardly. Pressing '>' will automatically get to the downstairs once they are found.
Ruby rock is a 4 floor dungeon where the enemy you need to kill is at the bottom. There are several things you need to consider at any point:
1) Ranged enemies (Seed-spitting Vines, Snapjaw Hunters) are very dangerous to characters with low AV. You should always effort to be fully healed earlier trying to hunt them. If y'all try to sprint towards them, remember that sprinting decreases your DV unless yous accept the appropriate skill in Acrobatics.
two) Young Ivories are the #1 crusade of death in this place. They are invisible, deal a large corporeality of damage, and cause more than damage over time due to bleeding. 'S'earching before you move every space is time consuming, and then simply ensure that you lot are at max HP earlier moving onto unsearched tiles. Y'all can also search without consuming time by holding ctrl and moving in a direction.
iii) Jilted Lovers are incredibly deadly, simply cannot movement. Ensure that you can take them out at range, or else ensure that you are at maximum HP before trying to attack.
There are besides a few creatures that may not be hostile. Snapjaws drop a lot of equipment, merely not all of it is profitable to carry. I find the about profitable things are daggers, and, if you have high strength to behave them, maces. For most characters, you lot will wish to wear armor with every bit much AV (the number next to the blue circle) as possible. If you accept high agility, you may wish to wear armor with every bit much DV (the number next to the hollow grayness circumvolve) as possible.
At the bottom, you will enter an area with a river running through it, and gnawed watervines and ammo lying almost. This is the area with the girshlings, and also some other monster named the glow-wight cultist. These enemies bargain a large amount of impairment in melee range, and so melee attackers should be at total HP and take decent AV before closing in.
The girshling corpse, which you lot need to complete this quest, weighs thirty lbs. Experience free to drop stuff before moving onwards, you can e'er return. Only beetlebums will destroy stuff on the floor, so ensure that at that place are none nearby before dropping stuff off. After this, in that location are two methods back to Joppa:
ane) Through the overworld map. Probably the safest pick.
2) Through the waterlogged tunnel. You could take really used this path to become here, merely I can't recommend it as some monsters hither are rather difficult without a full set of armor. In particular, slugsnouts are fully capable of one-shotting most level 2 characters at range. To observe this, only follow the river due south half dozen screens, so find the stairways upward. You may find a glowing corpse here, which is an unfortunate miner. Boodle his body for a light-emitting helmet and a pickaxe, and read the parchment for his story.In one case back in Joppa, take the corpse back to Elder Irudad, who will give you a large corporeality of healing items and some XP for your troubles.

Argyve's Quests

Argyve is the local tinker in Joppa, and is the outset of the main storyline in Caves of Qud. His outset quest involves getting him whatsoever ii artifacts. For well-nigh characters, this ways giving him the two grenades you lot brainstorm with. This is enough to bring any graphic symbol to level 2.

Weirdwire Circuit... Eureka!

Argyve'southward 2nd quest is a lot more invovled. It involves grabbing 200 feet of cherry-red wire from the rust caves east of Joppa, highlighted above.

In that location is actually a second identify to grab blood-red wire, but it volition not cover all 200 feet... Traverse the watervine swamps, or check out my "Secrets of Qud" guide (not finished yet)

On the manner to the Rust Caves, your graphic symbol may get lost. Merely walk in the general direction y'all were headed in until you are no longer lost. Finding NPCs and talking to them volition also remove the 'lost' status. If you see strange fulcrete structures, move effectually that screen, every bit those enemies are unusually tough.

The Rust Caves are generally easy, except for ane thing: Qudzu can rust items if you lot manage to get in melee range. Try to bring some ranged attacks, or only grab as much wire from the surface of the three rust caves every bit possible. Otherwise, y'all risk losing some valuable items. Remember that Fix-It Spray removes rust.

There are a few enemies of note in the Rust Caves. Hibernate-Sheathed Hermits have an abnormally high AV, making dealing damage to them rather difficult. Spark Ticks give a large amount of XP, and aren't terribly deadly, but Electrofuges deal a lot of damage if you let them get close. Finally, slugsnouts can kill most adventurers this early on in a few hits. Attempt to strength them to move into melee range by hiding backside walls and waiting for them to move closer.

When you lot have all 200 anxiety (they must be unrusted!), return to Joppa and talk to Argyve for your reward.

Canticle for Barathrum

Yous may wish to buy a chem cell from Tam at this point if the recoiler Argyve gave you did non come up with one. Information technology is useful in a pinch to return back to Joppa, but remember that you cannot use it if enemies are nearby. The side by side quest Argyve gives you involves travelling to Dust Gate.

Characters without a Wayfaring skill will almost always go lost on the fashion there, just remember to continue walking in the same full general management and y'all will eventually stop being lost. Be conscientious about getting lost in woods regions, as those regions have unusually difficult enemies. once y'all arrive at Grit Gate, y'all should detect yourself staring at a fulcrete building.

Somewhere in the area are stairs downwards, which you should have. Enemies here may be likewise difficult for some characters, especially if they swarm yous, but recall that Waydroids will be friendly and tin can kill enemies for you. 'Stairdancing' by moving up the stairs and hoping to funnel a few enemies at a time is a valid strategy.

At the third floor, you will reach the entrance level. Become north i screen (the opening volition always be in the northward-center of the screen) and you will find yourself at Dust Gate. Talk to the screen at the right by pressing space while adjacent and you volition complete this quest.

At this point, there are 2 places you can go. Either you can proceed the chief quest, or yous can go to Kyakukya and gain some levels there. I believe the chief quest has a level-sensitive reward, so information technology is worthwhile to effort it if y'all were able to easily acceleration all of the enemies on the mode down. Either style, starting the quest, and so talking to the screen again will allow yous in to talk to Mafeo, the merchant. He sells Grit Gate recoilers and big amounts of ammo amidst other things. One recoiler is invaluable at this point.

More a Willing Spirit

North of Grit Gate is Golgotha, the #1 place where characters die. The starting time screen you lot see when you plop downwards are a building in the north, and four holes in the basis. Practise Not Employ AUTOEXPLORE here, AS Information technology HAS A Trend TO THROW Y'all DOWN AN Archway.

The four entrances lead you to four dissimilar types of chutes: the Acrid chute (highly dangerous unless you somehow take high acid resistance), the crab chute (dangerous for characters with poor defence or poor ability to handle being swarmed), the electric chute (safer than the rest, especially if you have a rubbergum injector or are resistant to electricity), and the fire chute (easiest to contrivance of them all, and is relatively safe with a bonfire injector or some loftier fire resistance). I highly recommend the following if you take just started doing this from the Canticle quest:

For True Kin:
1) Sphinx Salt Injectors. Some castes accept a take chances of starting with this item, and it helps in telling yous which entrance is which.
2) Some method of quick movement across sprinting. Jump and Juke are both good places to starting time
3) Reeeally high AV or DV. High Toughness helps too.

For Espers:
1) Precognition. Tells you which entrance is which.
2) Force Wall. Non strictly needed, but helps blocks off chutes, and can forestall enemies from chasing you.
3) Teleportation. Not strictly needed, but helpful in a pinch.
4) Pyrokinesis. Not scritcly needed, merely helps articulate a path in the Cloaca.

For Chimerae:
ane) Multiple Legs or Spinnerets. Preventing enemies from chasing you is a big part of going down the chutes
two) High AV somehow. Carapace is squeamish, but you need to keep on moving, then avoid using the tighten carapace unless absolutely necessary.
iii) Flaming Hands. Not strictly needed, but helps clear a path in the Cloaca.

The chutes themselves:
The chutes are levels of conveyor belts, with traps along the walls. These traps volition always change color before they fire, so yous tin can avoid them easily. Electrical and Acid traps tend to spray everywhere, so they are a bit harder to predict. Burn down traps volition only hit in a straight line, and crab traps volition but spawn venereal everywhere.

The conveyor belt will move you forwards every then often, so they help both you and the enemies become to the next area. At the end of each belt is another drop downwardly, until you reach the Cloaca.

Enemies of note are Agolmaggots, which have a nasty ranged attack, Saw-Handers, which tin dismember you if you are in melee range, and jels, which can spray slime everywhere when they dice. Jels may also spawn sewage eels when they die, so be careful. Sewage Eels or other sources of poison tin can crusade glotrot, of which curing is a hard process (but information technology is not a game ending illness, then don't worry too much)

At the bottom of the chutes is the Cloaca. The Cloaca is a unsafe identify due to the large numbers of sewage eels. A burn down-based attack can articulate the slime abroad, making information technology safe from sewage eels. The Slug Of The Cloaca is a rather nasty dominate that can poison you lot at range and is extremely deadly in melee, so outrunning it or otherwise freezing it or trapping it is useful. Detect a disfunctional waydroid as speedily equally possible (information technology volition normally exist near trash heaps and looks different) and you can use a grit gate recoiler to render back.

When you return, there will exist a new bear named Otho. Talking to him will complete the quest. If you are level 18 or less, he will give y'all a Masterwork Carbine, which is a strong ranged weapon that shoots 3 bullets at in one case and holds 24 at a time. Its increased accuracy make it ideal even for unskilled characters with a minimum of agility.

If yous are very underleveled (Looking at the lawmaking shows that yous have to be level 12 or less) at this point, you may also receive the hologram bracelet. This particular creates an invincible hologram of you that walks around doing aught. Enemies will by and large assault the hologram, and then ranged users can pick things off from a distance.

If you are level 19 or above, you will only receive three grenades for your trouble. That'due south the perils of non playing risky.

Raising Indrix

This is an optional quest y'all can do at any time, but it is recommended to do it later on either A Canticle for Barathrum or More than A Willing Spirit. It involves going to the forest village of Kyakukya, highlighted above.

Once there, talk to the blue goatfolk Warden Indrix. Annoying him about why he is a pariah will cause him to attack you, and he is rather strong, so avoid doing it.

Instead, inquire almost the work he has to offer. He volition tell yous to take the river (1 screen north of the village, do not utilize the overworld map) east until you lot achieve his brother. Have, first look effectually Kyakukya:

At that place are 6 pools of fresh water, easily over 150 drams. You tin can use this to buy various things, but the #i thing to buy is Polluxus from Sven, which he commonly sells. It is a counterweighted (and so useful to characters without loftier agility) longsword that will hit the enemy and adjacent enemies for additional damage while powered. This extra impairment bypasses armor and is likely the weapon that about characters will employ for a large portion of the game. Either way, go on due north and and so due east.

Enemies along the river may exist rather unsafe. Night ruddy goatfolk are Sowers, and will deal a huge amount of damage via their special grenades. Getting into melee range somehow will stop them from throwing more, and they have a rather pitiable melee set on. Vivid cherry goatfolk are yurtwardens, and can deal a large amount of harm at range. Hide backside cover until they come close, and so set on. Yellowish goatfolk are Savages, and merely have a large amount of HP. Greenish goatfolk can repeatedly inflict fear, which is only unsafe if there are other enemies with them. Purple and blueish goatfolk can cast random mutations at you lot, so be careful.
Ice frogs can freeze you if you have no cold resist. If you lot are on a water tile while they are attacking y'all, they can freeze you indefinitely, so avert this.
Leeches can drain life, but are rather lamentable to anyone with mental armor (i.e. that have points in Willpower).

The river is rather long, though I've never counted the number of screens. Halfway along you will find a slaughtered village. Inside the chest in 1 of the houses is some rather skilful boodle, and a parchment (possibly penned by Marmon?). On the screen before Marmon, the river volition exist stained with blood and fume volition be in the air. There is a nonhostile human being that you can talk to for some story, and that sells body parts and blood.

On the next screen is a freshly ruined village. Some areas will be on burn down, so exist careful when walking nearly to not become set aflame. Marmon will always be surrounded by Goatfolk Thralls (nearly identical to Savages), and pygmies. Be conscientious not to let him go far close range, as he often has several mutations that act in melee range.

His mutations will generally be high level, but he himself does not have much protection. One time he is expressionless, he will drop the Aramanthine prism, a cursed item that y'all cannot remove once yous equip. Information technology has a story that you can recall when you examine it, and is rather sad. He besides volition drop his armor and weapon(s), which volition generally exist of high level. The village may have other chests to boodle. Once y'all are finished, become back to the overworld with '<' and caput back to Kyakukya.

You have a pick at this point. You can either keep the Amaranthine Prism (talk to Warden Indrix with it equipped or refuse to give it to him when he asks), or give it to the Warden for a random Carbide-level weapon/armor. The choice is yours. The Prism itself gives +1 Ego and -1 Willpower when you offset equip it, only as you level the ego bonus and willpower malus increment.

At this point, you lot may wish to consider inciting civil war. Bringing in a group of enemies from a neighbouring screen may cause Sven, a hunter in Kyakukya, to endeavour to attack. He isn't 100% accurate, and so he will often hit other things. Warden Indrix does not appreciate this, and the two may duel to the decease, giving you the items from either 1 that dies. Attempt not to draw in enemies from the west, as Yurt volition likely try to help, and Yurt's idea of helping is to summon a bunch of angry plants that will forever stick effectually.

Decoding the Signal Pt1

Set up for the 3rd last quest in Qud? This is a quest that requires some amount of cold resist, so grabbing equally much as you tin (Sven in Kyakukya sells some, and you may find some on your own. You tin too accept the 'Weathered' skill in Endurance for some more) is good. Bethesda Susa is easily the concluding hard dungeon at the fourth dimension this guide is written, so hang on tight.

Bethesda Susa is strangely far from everything else. Characters without jungle wilderness lore are likely to get lost. When you do make it, you will be in a snowy area with some enemies. Mechanists will sling ranged weapons at y'all, and Cragsmensch all have weirdly high AV and damage attacks (but are slow). Having a non-physical attack (elemental (e.chiliad. via Polluxus) or mental) to bargain with Cragsmensch is recommended, as they take quite a few hits to take down.

Once down, the first floor may either be a normal dungeon, or a waterway. Either fashion, only head down and you will notice yourself with the start of the Three Troll Kings in the healing pools. You will fight one at a time, 1 per level.

Jotun, Who Parts Limbs is always the first king. Like his name suggests, he is capable of dismembering characters that he tin can hit. He is capable of charging at you, and has throwing axes which tin can likewise dismember. Avoid attacking in melee if you can - I find that if he is on the other end of the room and you are a high agility character, the Carbine tin can kill him before he gets anywhere close to you lot. Mental mutants may find forcefulness wall to be useful, and Hologram bracelets are besides expert. Continuing in the covalescence will heal you lot, which may be useful if you cannot avoid melee.

Fjorn-Kosef, Who Knits the Icy Lattice is always the 2nd king. He is capable of instantly cooling the surface area effectually you, while creating icy webs. This will concord y'all in place or freeze y'all while he does incredible damage at melee range. Standing in the covalescence will still heal y'all hither, just be wary of information technology turning into cyrogenic mist due to this guy - it will hurt.

The terminal Troll Male monarch is invisible! Haggabah, Who Plies the Umbral Path can only be seen by his splashing footsteps, or past the troll foals he spawns. Pressing '\' will hide the sidebar, allowing you to see the unabridged room at in one case.

In that location are really several ways of finding him despite his invisibility:

one) The Jump skill volition not allow you to land on the aforementioned square as him, and will exist greyed out.
2) Firing wildly and seeing where the contrivance/hitting blitheness plays tells you lot where he was last turn.
3) If he spawns a troll foal, he is always in an adjacent square.
4) Hold ctrl and hit a numpad direction. If he is there, you volition swing at him. If he is not, you lot will not waste any time.Either way, he deals an impressive amount of melee damage, so be careful. Once he is dead, you are finally in the Wards of Bethesda Susa.The Wards accept a multifariousness of enemies that are all actually difficult. Yous can by and large tell what to wait out for past looking for specific cues:

1) If y'all encounter slime, there is a Snailmother on the level. The ickslugs she spawns tin can inflict poison and Glotrot, so killing her is a big priority. Notation that she is, past default, neutral to you, so you will have to hold ctrl+move to attack her first if you are a melee graphic symbol.
2) If you see Molting Basilisk Husks, there is a Molting Basilisk on the level. Molting Basilisks look exactly like Husks, except for a few things:
- They suffer from coldness, and so they will change colours
- In the version this guide was written in, the tile they have actually looks different. Husks are grayness Rs, the Basilisk has an actual tile
- If you move out of sight of the existent Basilisk, it volition disappear. The Husks exercise not.
Either way, trapping and killing information technology is your best option.

3) If yous see a Luminous Hoarshroom, STOP. Around it is likely Lurking Beths. There are a stronger version of the Immature Ivory from Red Rock, only they besides spawn in groups, so moving apace is an like shooting fish in a barrel fashion to run into many and dice. For reference, I recommend having over 60 HP at this point.

4) Twinning Lampreys must be killed at the aforementioned time. Easiest to practise if y'all accept a freezing weapon.
v) Blue Jels are neutral to you, but if you kill them, they drop some Covallesence you tin can use to heal. Your selection.
6) Booster Bots will inject you with random Injectors. normally beneficial, simply getting hit twice or more than is usually lethal. Do not let them hit you lot, either past having high DV, loftier AV, using Force Wall, using Holograms, etc.

On the first flooring, y'all will notice a control panel somewhere near the heart. Y'all tin can use this to skip the bulk of Bethesda Susa if you lot wish past calling up the platform (look around with 'l' to run into if the tile beneath information technology is empty space or a platform) and then standing on it and pressing space. You will only miss out on some Sparking Baetyls, some experience, and the Alchemist.

Decoding the Signal Pt 2

On the concluding floor of Bethesda Susa's wards, there will be a cybernetics ward. Find the cybernetics credit wedge on this level. If you are a Truthful Kin, you can buy a cybernetic enhancement hither. Talk to the terminals (within the spirals) to figure out what does what. Otherwise, the wedge is worth a lot of coin.

Below the Wards, you will discover the Cyrobarrio. The elevation flooring has a bunch of destroyed containment cells and a large amount of phase webs. If y'all are a mutant and haved a skulk tonic, use it here to dig around the door at the east. Otherwise, Shade Oil Tonics can get y'all through, simply backside the door lays a rather powerful phase spider.

The spider cannot assail non-phased enemies. I believe you can as well use the phase webs to get through, merely it is extremely dangerous to practice then, as unphasing while in a wall will INSTANTLY kill you. Use Sphynx Table salt (True Kin) or Precognition (Espers) before trying.

The second floor of the cyrobarrio is likewise very dangerous! There are several intact containment cells, ane or two assorted enemies, and a juicing cannibal. The juicer is equipped with a rocket launcher that volition break open the cells, releasing the contents. The enemies in the cells are extremely dangerous, then accept out the juicer every bit quickly as you can. Of course, the rocket launcher itself is capable of dealing >40 harm in a single hit, so some method of trapping the cannibal or attacking from range is preferred.

As for the optional bosses here, there are two noteworthy ones. The Rhinox can easily deal 300 damage in one hitting to fifty-fifty a well-armored grapheme, but masterfully butchering the corpse gives one of the best cudgels in the game. Saad Amus The Sky-Bear holds an axe that tin ignore armor, and has a flume-flier that allows him to dash all the manner across the screen for actress damage. The flume-flier is also useful for espers, as it gives you additional ego. His sandals are worth a lot of coin.

Finally, you will take to take a chrome platform downwards to where the Baetyl lies. Enemies here have a large corporeality of AV and HP, and are equipped with Carbide weaponry. Psyberkinetisists from the northward are capable of inflicting confusion. You will immediately take to fight a large amount, and the platform dorsum will non work until y'all terminate. The final enemy is Phineas, who is at the due east-center room. He can create a force bubble around himself, which you will have to wait out unless y'all accept some method of breaking through loftier-AV walls. He wields two overloaded light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation pistols, which bargain a lot of damage and tin can burn down through his forcefulness bubble. He is surrounded by diverse paladins that can reflect the Sunder Heed set on, and have high AV/HP. Once finished, the Baetyl behind Pineas may pass up to speak to y'all. If this happens, going back to the overworld map and walking around a few tiles volition fix this upshot. This completes this section of the quest, so take hold of equally much as you can earlier recoiling back to Grit Gate and talking to Otho.

Ripe For the Conflaguration

Otho mentions a flamethrower in the Tomb of the Eaters east of Kyakukya, which was unfinished in the 2010 alpha and may still be unfinished if you attempt it. There is no reward if it is still unfinished. Without it, this quest is all the same easy for any grapheme with a flaming ranged assault.

Otherwise, head to the eye of Omonporch. This area has fruit flies (loftier DV and attack, only next to no AV/HP), apes (which throw poison gas grenades chosen 'Corrupt bananas'), and various plant life. The reason yous would desire a fire weapon here is that the plant life has very high HP and deals a lot of damage in melee range. Setting them aflame and walking away is the best tactic hither.

Inside in that location may be some turrets, but nil you can't handle at this signal. Light-green doors can be opened with an Emergency Services Carte du jour if yous have one, or Psychometry, and behind them lay chests with goodies. Digging to them is too some other strategy. In one case you are finished, recoil back to Grit Gate, Simply DO Not Paw IN THE QUEST UNTIL YOU READ THE Next Department.

A Phone call To Arms

Once you manus in the previous quest to Otho and then move one stride, this next quest immediately begins. If you lot are an esper with Strength Wall whose cooldown is shorter than its duration, it will exist invaluable here. Otherwise, fix for an arduous battle. One turn after you hand in the quest, all of the robots in the area will be hit with EMPs, and you volition accept to confront ~12 mechanist paladins at once. They spawn from the southern entrance. Mafeo and Otho will try to fight, only they will quickly die if y'all cannot protect them. If they dice, they will exist replaced with ii generic Urshiib Librarian and Urshiib Merchant NPCs (the merchant will not restock inventory). Hand in the quest, and you will have finished the primary storyline of the Caves of Qud upwards to this point.


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