For the showtime time in the sport'southward history, five prominent mixed martial artists have publicly aligned with a fighters association.

A group of athletes including sometime UFC champion Georges St-Pierre, along with quondam Bellator MMA CEO Bjorn Rebney, appear the foundation of the Mixed Martial Arts Athletes Association on Wed.

According to its official release, "The Association's sole concentration is to fight for the rights of MMA fighters and strength UFC'southward buying, [WME-IMG], to dramatically alter the visitor'south decade plus outrageous treatment of its athletes."

In improver to St-Pierre, who retired in 2013 but is interested in a improvement, the group includes active fighters Tim Kennedy, Cain Velasquez, Donald Cerrone and TJ Dillashaw. Those v will serve as the MMAAA's lath members, and they intend to recruit other UFC athletes, both agile and retired, to join.

The MMAAA declined to provide a detailed outline of its plans but said its goals ideally include an out-of-courtroom financial settlement with the UFC, an increase in revenue share and insurance and alimony packages that do not currently exist for UFC athletes.

"In essence, what the clan is going to achieve for the athletes is a settlement to accost the past wrongs, driving upwardly [acquirement split] to fifty percent up from 8 percent, and a benefits package that provides a rubber net," said Rebney, who was replaced equally Bellator head in 2014.

All four of the agile fighters are scheduled to compete at UFC events in December, and each admitted that adds a feeling of malaise to the announcement.

"Absolutely at that place is even so fear, merely it needs to exist done," Cerrone said. "Continuing with the five guys here, these are large names. We just need the rest of the guys to not have fearfulness and stand upward with united states. Nosotros're putting ourselves out at that place."

St-Pierre, who entered negotiations for a comeback fight with the UFC this year that ultimately failed, added, "This same matter has happened earlier in every other sport -- NFL, NHL, NBA. Now it's happening in the UFC. It's going to happen whether they like it or not.

"I know a lot of fighters want to remain bearding, but I'm telling you guys, come up see the states. Information technology'due south time to stand together."

St-Pierre said even a fighter at the level of Conor McGregor, who received a record $3 one thousand thousand disclosed purse for a fight against Nate Diaz in August, is not making a fair share.

A UFC official told the promotion does non intend to make a formal statement on the announcement, but respects all of its athletes and encourages open up communication on how to improve the sport.

Rebney made information technology clear the association is not an effort to unionize -- the current landscape defines UFC fighters equally independent contractors rather than employees. The initial focus of MMAAA too will be only on UFC athletes, not those signed to other organizations.

4 of the five athletes on the board are represented by entertainment powerhouse Artistic Artists Agency (CAA), a well-known rival of WME. WME purchased the UFC for more than $4 billion earlier this yr.

According to Rebney, CAA is not directly backing the clan simply "supports" the athletes' rights. Rebney declined to place the venture'due south source of funding, other than proverb, "Some people stepped upwards."

Rebney likewise mentioned the possibility of a "labor strike," although both Kennedy and Velasquez later stated their goal is to "work with the UFC" to resolve these differences.

This is not the first pro-fighter endeavour to take place; however, it is the showtime to feature such prominent, public support from a board of loftier-profile fighters. Another effort calling itself the Professional Fighters Association was appear in August, although that differs in that it seeks to unionize UFC athletes.

"Nosotros're going to change the face of the entire industry and sport today," Kennedy said.